Dynamo / Revit Tutorial Examples (with Dynamo 2.x on Revit 2019)

0. Dynamo: Installation & Reference
1. Dynamo: Basics
2. Dynamo: Input and Data Types
3. Dynamo: Primitive Geometry
4. Dynamo: List
5. Dynamo: Code Block
6. Dynamo: Panelization
7. Dynamo + Revit: Revit Model Import
8. Revit: Curtain Panel Pattern Based
9. Revit: Adaptive Component
10. Dynamo + Revit: Instantiating Adaptive Component
11. Dynamo + Revit: Panelization Design Examples

0. Dynamo: Installation & Reference

- Dynamo Home Page

- Dynamo Builds and Donwload

- Dynamo Primer

1. Dynamo: Basics

1-1. User Interface   Dynamo file

1-2. Grouping, Freezing and Alignment   Dynamo file

1-3. Watching Data and Geometry   Dynamo file

2. Dynamo: Data and Maths

2-1. Input and Data Types   Dynamo file

2-2. Math Operators and Functions   Dynamo file

2-3. Simple List   Dynamo file

2-4. Color   Dynamo file

3. Dynamo: Geometry

3-1. Point and Line   Dynamo file

3-2. Vector and Operations   Dynamo file

3-3. Line, Polycurve and NURBS curve   Dynamo file

3-4. Circle, Rectangle, Arc and Polygon   Dynamo file

3-5. Curve Point at Parameter   Dynamo file

3-6. Surface Patch, Extrusion, by Parameter Points   Dynamo file

3-7. Surface Loft, Revolve and Sweep   Dynamo file

3-8. NURBS surface   Dynamo file

3-9. Surface Point at Parameter   Dynamo file

3-9. Sphere, Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone and Thickenning   Dynamo file

4. Dynamo: List

4-1. Get List Items   Dynamo file

4-2. Lacing Shortest / Longest / Cross Product   Dynamo file

4-3. List Shift and Drop   Dynamo file

4-4. List Take Nth Item, Reverse and Shuffle   Dynamo file

4-5. Nested List   Dynamo file

4-6. List Structure: Transpose and Flattening   Dynamo file

4-7. List Levels   Dynamo file

5. Dynamo: Code Block

5-1. Code Block Data Types   Dynamo file

5-2. Code Block List Description   Dynamo file

5-3. Code Block Variable and Input   Dynamo file

5-4. Code Block Math Library   Dynamo file

5-5. Code Block Geometry Library   Dynamo file

6. Dynamo: Surface Panelization

6-1. Horizontal Lines on Surface (by List Operation)   Dynamo file

6-2. Vertical Lines on Surface (by List Operation)   Dynamo file

6-3. Diagonal Lines on Surface (by List Operation)   Dynamo file

6-4. Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Lines on Surface (by Code Block)   Dynamo file

6-5. Diagrid Lines on Surface   Dynamo file

6-6. Quad Panelization   Dynamo file

6-7. Diagrid Panelization   Dynamo file

6-8. Diagonal Louvers by Loft   Dynamo file

6-9. Random Striation and Offset   Dynamo file

6-10. Triangular Faceting at Offset Center   Dynamo file

6-11. Louvers by Sampling Coordinate Systems   Dynamo file

6-12. Random Rectangular Aperture   Dynamo file

7. Dynamo + Revit: Revit Model Import

7-1. Select by Category and Level   Dynamo file   Revit file

7-2. Select Edges   Dynamo file   Revit file

7-3. Select Surfaces   Dynamo file   Revit file

7-4. Getting Element Parameter   Dynamo file   Revit file

7-5. Setting Element Parameter   Dynamo file   Revit file

8. Revit: Curtain Panel Pattern Based

To start a new family file, you choose Curtain Panel Pattern Based template.

8-1. Curtain Panel Pattern Based 1   Revit file   Family file

8-2. Curtain Panel Pattern Based 2   Revit file   Family file

8-3. Curtain Panel Pattern Based 3   Revit file   Family file

9. Revit: Adaptive Component

To start a new family file, you choose Generic Model Adaptive template.

9-1. Adaptive Component with 1 Adaptive Point   Revit file   Family file

9-2. Adaptive Component with 2 Adaptive Points   Revit file   Family file

9-3. Adaptive Component with 3 Adaptive Points   Revit file   Family file

9-4. Adaptive Component with 4 Adaptive Points   Revit file   Family file

9-5. Adaptive Component Family Parameter   Revit file   Family file

10. Dynamo + Revit: Instantiating Adaptive Component

10-1. Instantiating Adaptive Component by Points   Dynamo file   Revit file   Family file

10-2. Instantiating Adaptive Component at Grids and Levels   Dynamo file   Revit file   Family file

10-3. Instantiating Adaptive Component and Change Parameters   Dynamo file   Revit file   Family file

10-4. Shared Reportging Parameter and Schedule   Dynamo file   Revit file   Family file

10-5. Exporting Parameters to Excel   Dynamo file   Revit file   Family file

10-6. Importing Parameters from Excel   Dynamo file   Revit file   Family file   Excel file

10-7. Exporting Parameters to Excel with Level and Grid Info   Dynamo file   Revit file   Family file

11. Dynamo + Revit: Panelization Design Examples

11-1. Example 1: Space Frame   Dynamo file   Revit file

11-2. Example 2: Diagonal Flat Panel with 3 Point Supports   Dynamo file   Revit file

11-3. Example 3: Angle-Varied Diagonal Louver and Random Horizontal Louver   Dynamo file   Revit file